Thursday, July 25, 2013

Similar Yet So Different: Media Outtake #4

The short story "Sonny's Blues" is the story of two brothers. Although genetically similar, the two were never really close and did not have much in common. The oldest, who was the narrator, managed to stay on the right track and get his education. He did not let his environment influence his goals. Sonny, on the other hand, became involved with drugs and crime. He did not work hard in school and eventually came into trouble with the law. It was not until the narrator's daughter died that the two linked up. Sonny's only outlet was his love for jazz music, and at the end when his brother saw him playing they finally reached understanding. The media that I feel relates to this story is the 2006 movie "ATL", which was directed by Chris Robinson. Two brothers are also the stars in this film. Although they both lived together and grew up in the same rough neighborhood, they still walked different paths. Rashard, the oldest, was more focused on school and his future career goals. However his brother Antwand was only concerned about quick ways to make money, which is what led him to selling drugs. It was not until Antwand was put in a life-threatening situation and his brother had to save him that the two reached a  common ground. Both the short story "Sonny's Blues" and the movie "ATL" have many similar ideas, which is why I connected them. The biggest significance of the two is that they show how two people, namely siblings, can grow up together and under the same authority figures, but still end up totally different. I witness this often in my own family and with my friends.  Trailer For "ATL"


  1. I like the connection you made between the short story, "Sonny's Blues" and the movie, "ATL" because I can see how both brothers' roles are connected. In both the movie and the story the older brothers were trying to protect their younger brother's in their own way, although they did not see eye to eye at times. I can sort of relate to this because I have an older brother who wants the best for me but has a weird way of showing it because sometimes we disagree on something. I like to call it "agree to disagree". I also think that just because me and my brother grew up in the same environment does not mean he and I will turn out the same because we both have different ways in thinking.

  2. I feel that this is a good connection that you have made and I really like it. The two brothers in ATL an in "Sonnys Blues" are very similar. This Is because they both share similar stories. Both of the brothers walked different path that would eventually lead them to different paths. In ATL once the brother on the wrong path gets to far gone his brother has to come and help him out; They then come to an understanding. In "Sonnys Blues" the brothers do not reach a mutual understanding until he hears the jazz music at the end of the book.

  3. Out of all of the connections that were made today I can say that I loved yours the most Jakalah. I would have never thought of this connection even though ATL is one of my favorite movies. I loved the connection you made with ATL when the little brother gets his self and his brother comes to save him that made them realize how important each other was. The protection that both big brothers were trying to provide to their little brothers was also another great point. Overall this was a great connection made that I did not think of it but great job.
