Thursday, July 25, 2013

media outtake #4 : Discrimination towards the Indian race


                The picture above shows how the native Americans were so violently taken away from their home by the white men, this gives background information on the story " The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven". The reason why the narrator is always being watched and never trusted by the people around him is because at this point in time people thought that Indians were different in the sense that they were monsters and not even human. People are frightened by the native Americans and just wanted their land so there were stripped from their families and homes and forced to walk for many, many days. The Indians were terrified by the white men but did as they were told for the fear that they would be killed. But this action by the white men showed the rest of society that these people, the native Americans, should be contained and cannot be trusted. For example in the short story, when the narrator is in the seven-eleven store he comments on how the cashier is watching his every move and is nervously asking questions to make sure that he is not trying to stir up trouble. Another instance occurs when he is simply driving around in his car to relieve stress but the cops hunt him down to question him because he is frightening the people in the neighborhood. This eventually pushes him to go back home to the reservation to his family. He is then reminded by his family that they told him that he did not belong out there in the world and would come home disappointed. The narrator has the feeling of being an outsider which can is also depicted in the picture above because the Indians did not wrong at all but were brutally punished. Yet as you can see in the photo, the white men did not care and thought that they were doing their country a favor by hurting these people. However, if you look closely at this picture people can see that the native Americans are normally people who have children, pets, and duties they attend to daily. The discrimination of Indians took time to end but somewhere clearly open to the idea on interracial relationships due to the fact the narrator's girlfriend was white. Overall, the picture symbols the ugly truth of how the discrimination towards native Americans began many years ago.

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